PhD Excursion to Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics (Winter 2022)
PhD Exercusion to Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics (Winter 2022)
From November 24-25, 2022, the first part of the PhD Talk Series in the winter semester 2022/23 took place, in which the PhD students of the Department of Computer Science present their PhD topics and first results after the first year of the PhD.
Thanks to the generous financial support of FIT e.V., the presenters were allowed to spend two days together with Prof. Annette Bieniusa and Prof. Marius Kloft at the Leibniz Center for Informatics Schloß Dagstuhl. The presentations ranged from theoretical foundations and applications of ML in agriculture, blast furnaces, smart power grids and augmented vision to verification of hybrid cyber-physical systems and optimized data compression. In addition, the group explored the forest around Dagstuhl and the wine cellar in the evening. Presentations by Prof. Kloft on scientific writing and a report by Billy Joe Franks on PhD representation and other committees at TUK rounded out the event.
It was two intense days with discussions, meetings and a lot of fun - we look forward to the next time and thank FIT very much for their support!
The second part of the PhD Talk Series will take place at in February. The abstracts of the presentations and further information about the PhD program of the Department can be found here.